Saturday, March 3, 2012


It's been a while ... for no particular reason other than I find myself with so many little strangely-interdependent projects going on that somehow my mind ends up in a tangled mess of things that should make sense and do make sense if only I could make sense of them. Know what I mean? Then when I'm not sure what to do next, or even first, in the daily chain of events, I resort to the logic that the fresh air afforded by a walk or bike ride might help clarify matters, might even point the way, but usually it just takes up time on top of adding something else to the pile of stuff to think about.

Then there's the pile itself to think about, and that's enough to get me feeling entirely unhinged ...

Things aren't really that dire; sometimes I just get carried away. I guess works in progress and a state of general rustiness offer their own sort of beauty. Still, a bit of direction (other than downward) would be nice ...

FYI: The sea wall at Brenton Point as well as the one at Easton's Beach along Memorial Boulevard apparently were built by way of the WPA; there are plaques in the concrete in both locations. That big rusty tank or weight or whatever-it-is (above) lies on the southernmost tip of Sachuest Point, whereas the graphic signage is a quasi-new feature of the Cliff Walk. As for Rochambeau (see him pointing boldly forward at King Park?), I frequently look to him when in need of focus or resolve ...