Wednesday, June 9, 2010

backpedaling III

Yes, I realize this is getting boring ... but it's important to finish what you start, right?? And it had just started spitting, as in raining, even thundering, when I was riding my bike the other day. I was way out by Eastover, a very lovely if rather proper-looking place on Wapping Road.

Named properties are a thing in these parts; consider all the named mansions a.k.a. cottages, for example. It's not so different from naming boats (or children), I suppose. There's great logic in names — it'd be a pretty confusing world without names — but there's also something slightly self-important about it, isn't there?? When it comes to property?? Maybe not. Maybe it's just fun, with a little bit of legacy and/or identity-seeking thrown in. That's a fine concept. Why not?? Besides, house-naming is prevalent everywhere, even at humbler addresses.

Come to think of it, "Eastover" makes perfect sense as a name, as it's on the east side of Aquidneck Island overlooking the Sakonnet. Though, I must confess, I'm partial to another lovely-looking property across the street ...

And there's another long shady driveway out this/that way at Greenvale Vineyards. Mr. Betty and I just-so-happened upon it on a bike ride years upon years ago. We'd never even heard of Greenvale; we were new to these parts. But it looked so easy and inviting to glide down that long (whopping??) hill off Wapping having no idea what exactly was at the bottom.

There was wine at the bottom. We participated in a wine tasting (conducted by the owner) then were faced with the prospect of riding back up the long hill and several miles home again after what amounted to several glasses of wine. Good thing there wasn't much traffic; Wapping is what we call here on the island, being Aquidneck Island, "the back way." We were endangering no one but ourselves, and thankfully we didn't drive into the ditch ...

But back to this bike ride, being this past weekend: I didn't venture down any of these long lovely shady driveways, as it was starting to storm.
I just started pedaling back fast with the notion that I'd find refuge and maybe some much-needed sustenance at Sweet Berry Farm ...