Wednesday, January 6, 2010

sunny day?

I've said it before (and I'll say it again, I'm sure): My mood is affected (really affected) by the weather. I may love snow — except for slippery sidewalks, and the shoveling of sidewalks — but gray skies get tough after a while. It feels like the whole world is giving you/me the cold shoulder when the gray goes on and on and on ...

Thank goodness the sun is shining this morning. That changes everything. Or it helps. It's a biological fact ... isn't it?? Something about Vitamin D. We need it — all creatures need it. Gotta leave off the sunscreen once in a while and let those disastrous rays shine right on in. For a few minutes, anyway. Otherwise, why would sunshine feel so good?? And look so good?? Yes, it's a visual thing as much as anything. Colors — thus life itself — are brighter when the sun shines. It just has to be part of the plan. We're not meant to stay inside. Sunshine compels us (or me) to get out and feel it, to do stuff, to look around. With sunglasses, of course — no need to sacrifice vision to those disastrous, life-giving rays.

Outside, there may be nothing special ... just snow piled on stone (at the base of St. Mary's Church, where Jackie O. and JFK were married). Or old bricks against a cold sky (at the Edward King House, which housed the library once-upon-a-time and now hosts all manner of "senior" programs). Or the intricate glow of my favorite tree (purported to be the oldest tree in Newport at 280 years, though I don't necessarily believe it).

Everything is bright — or brighter — when the sun is shining. There's more contrast. Shadows become visible. But are things actually clearer?? That's no doubt an illusion ...