Can't you just feel it return with the sun?? I suppose that shouldn't be surprising, given the reality of solar power — at Sachuest Point, for example, although the power has always been there, harnessed/harvested or not. Sometimes I/we forget that we're just one more sort of biological/physical organism, in need of the sun's energy to function, grow, thrive. The question (for me) becomes using that energy — THANK GOODNESS THE SUN IS SHINING!! — to good purpose, making sure it propels me uphill instead of down, as I sit looking through a tangle of brambles at all the gorgeous possibilities, despite shifting horizons, and all the pretty berries right there in front my nose, still determined to explore any number of access points before the sun sets ...
The "shoreline access points" at Sachuest Point are really worth exploring, #7 being one of my favorites (click the photo, uphill or downhill, if you can't quite read the sign). Now if I/we could just figure out how to store up some personal solar energy before the next long batch of gray rainy days, or how to harness the power of reflection ...